Rights Catalogue
The products which make up this catalogue have been carefully selected with a view to possible translations into other languages, responding to the open international and multicultural spirit of our publications.
Rights Catalogue
Champi Head Massage
Brand: Océano Ambar
Author: Plasencia, Juan José
Volumes: 1
Format: 18.5 x 26 cm
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 176
Characters: 245000
Illustrations: 160
Printing: Full colour

Champi in Sanskrit means head massage. As its name suggests, it's a technique that works with the energy zones of the head, the neck and the shoulders. This traditional type of massage has been around for thousands of years to help relive stress, headaches and both physical and mental exhaustion.
Since Champi stimulates the blood flow from the scalp, its application can also embellish and stengthen hair, thus preventing too much unnecessary loss. This book shows, for the very first time, the prodigal benefits of this traditional Indian discipline.
Champi is an essential guide for those who want to learn about the benefits of ayurvedic medicine for their health, body, mind and spirit. Illustrated profusely, this practical book includes, among other themes, the following: the fundamentals of this type of medicine, step by step champi massage, special treatment for every case, essential oils an how to apply them and self-massage techniques.
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